The environment: SQL Server 2008 (this should work on SQL Server 2005 as well)
Consider a scenario in which you inherit a large database, or in which you revisit a database which has been sitting quietly in production for a while, just accumulating data. This script compiles a full list of all of the tables in the database, along with their total reserved size in KB, their total index size in KB, and their total data size in KB.
create table #tmpsizes
ID int identity(1,1) primary key,
[name] nvarchar(128),
[rows] char(11),
reserved varchar(18),
data varchar(18),
index_size varchar(18),
unused varchar(18),
ID int identity(1,1) primary key,
[name] nvarchar(128),
[rows] char(11),
reserved varchar(18),
data varchar(18),
index_size varchar(18),
unused varchar(18),
create table #tmpsizes2
ID int identity(1,1) primary key,
[name] nvarchar(128),
[rows] int,
reserved_kb int,
data_kb int,
index_size_kb int,
unused_kb int
ID int identity(1,1) primary key,
[name] nvarchar(128),
[rows] int,
reserved_kb int,
data_kb int,
index_size_kb int,
unused_kb int
declare @objname nvarchar(128)
declare sizeCur cursor forward_only for
select '[' + s.[name] + '].' + t.[name]
from sys.tables t
inner join sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = s.schema_id
open sizeCur
fetch next from sizeCur into @objname
while @@fetch_status = 0
insert into #tmpsizes
exec sp_spaceused @objname
fetch next from sizeCur into @objname
close sizeCur
deallocate sizeCur
insert into #tmpsizes2
select [name],
left(reserved, len(reserved)-3),
left(data, len(data)-3),
left(index_size, len(index_size)-3),
left(unused, len(unused)-3)
from #tmpsizes
-- show tables with the most rows at the top of the list
select *
from #tmpsizes2
order by [rows] desc
-- show tables with highest ratios of index size to table size
-- at the top of the listselect *,
cast(index_size_kb as decimal(18,4))/cast(reserved_kb as decimal(18,4)) as index_percentage
from #tmpsizes2
where reserved_kb > 0
order by cast(index_size_kb as decimal(18,4))/cast(reserved_kb as decimal(18,4)) desc
drop table #tmpsizes
drop table #tmpsizes2
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