Consider a situation in which you're taking over a number of SQL Servers, and you find yourself wondering about the backup situation - maybe you need to pull a full backup history for each database on each server, or maybe you just need to verify that your databases are being backed up. This is a quick script that pulls the last full backup date for each database on the server - I'm including a SQL Server 2000-compatible version of the script:
SQL Server 2000
select d.[name],
from sysdatabases d
left outer join
select database_name,
convert(varchar(50),max(backup_finish_date),110) as backup_date
from msdb..backupset
where [type] = 'D'
group by database_name
) x on x.database_name = d.[name]
order by d.[name]
from sysdatabases d
left outer join
select database_name,
convert(varchar(50),max(backup_finish_date),110) as backup_date
from msdb..backupset
where [type] = 'D'
group by database_name
) x on x.database_name = d.[name]
order by d.[name]
SQL Server 2008 (should also work for SQL Server 2005)
;with x as
select database_name,
backup_size as backup_size_bytes,
backup_size / 1024 as backup_size_kbytes,
backup_size / (1024*1024) as backup_size_mbytes,
convert(varchar(50),backup_finish_date,110) as backup_date,
row_number() over ( partition by database_name order by backup_finish_date desc ) as rnk
from msdb..backupset
where [type] = 'D'
select d.[name],
from sys.databases d
left outer join x on x.database_name = d.[name]
and x.rnk = 1
order by d.[name]
select database_name,
backup_size as backup_size_bytes,
backup_size / 1024 as backup_size_kbytes,
backup_size / (1024*1024) as backup_size_mbytes,
convert(varchar(50),backup_finish_date,110) as backup_date,
row_number() over ( partition by database_name order by backup_finish_date desc ) as rnk
from msdb..backupset
where [type] = 'D'
select d.[name],
from sys.databases d
left outer join x on x.database_name = d.[name]
and x.rnk = 1
order by d.[name]
Note that this is only the first step in your due diligence - you still have to determine where your databases are being backed up to, your retention window (locally and on any off-site tapes or servers), and (of course) run periodic fire drills to make sure your backup solution is adequate to the task - more on that in a later post.
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